National Import and Export Work Conference to Deploy Ten Key Tasks of Foreign Trade

Views: 3     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-03-20      Origin: Site

      The National Import and Export Work Conference was held in Beijing on the 18th. Ren Hongbin, Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, deployed ten key foreign trade tasks at the meeting:

(1)Pay close attention to policy implementation and strengthen policy reserves; 

(2) Steadily promote the construction of a strong trade country, fully promote the steady improvement of foreign trade; 

(3) Seek truth and be pragmatic, and strive to promote the high-quality development of foreign trade; 

(4) Further develop diversified markets, Optimize the international market layout; 

(5) Reform and improve the new business support policies such as cross-border e-commerce, and actively cultivate new modes of trade new business; 

(6) Promote the transformation and upgrading of processing trade and improve the level of the industrial chain;

(7) Actively expand imports, Optimize the import structure; 

(8) vigorously promote the development of border trade; 

(9) continuously improve the level of trade facilitation;

(10) continue to deepen the reform of the foreign trade system.

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